New publication: Sustainability and Mercury in One Earth
“From Stockholm to Minamata and beyond: Governing mercury pollution for a more sustainable future” is now published in One Earth. It is available (open access) at https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(22)00479-1

New Publication: HTE Framework in Sustainability Science
The HTE framework is further described and extended in a new journal article in Sustainability Science. It is available (open access) at https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-022-01177-0

Pollutants and Sustainability Governance featured by Technical University of Munich
The Technical University of Munich’s Institute for Advanced Study has featured our work on Mercury Stories and our further collaborations with TUM in a new publication.

Five Books features Best Books on the Periodic Table
Noelle and Henrik were interviewed by Five Books about their recommendations for best books on the periodic table. Read more here.

Mercury Stories on The Sweaty Penguin podcast
Listen to Noelle talk about mercury, mercury policy, and the book on the Sweaty Penguin podcast at https://thesweatypenguin.com/podcast/19-mercury/